
Monday, 31 January 2011

The First Cache

So for weeks we had kept visiting the geocahe site, looking at different cache sites, saying ooh look theres one there and ooh one there, we even downloaded the free app (for the iphone). Then one day after a slightly bad day we were going for a walk in the local park (victoria park) and thought "ehat the heck lets try it"!  and thats where we began....

The first cache: AKA Squirreled away, was fun hidden is the small wooded area, it was great and we were hucked!!!

The next cache we done on the same day AKA Appelton garden. Well we looked and look but it was not there we tried a few times but NO not there, turns out the area had been worked y the gardeners and it was a gona!

So the adventure continues ...